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What is dipg?

diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma

It is a type of high-grade glioma, a brain tumor that comes from cells called glia that surround, protect, and otherwise support the nerve cells in the brain.

DIPG is always found in the brainstem. This part of the brain controls many basic functions like breathing and swallowing, as well as muscles that help with speech and eye movements.

most common in elementary school-aged children

DIPG tends to grow quickly, so most patients are diagnosed within three months of when their symptoms start, and often much faster.


About 250 kids in the U.S. are diagnosed with DIPG each year.

Researchers have tried many chemotherapies, or drugs, for DIPG, but so far, none of them has worked.

Researchers have learned a lot in the past several years about the genetic changes that lead to DIPG.

 We are now working on developing this new knowledge into treatments that will target these specific genetic changes. These new treatments have started to be used in clinical trials, and more will be coming in the next few years. Research and awareness are key to a cure!


If you would like to make a donation to The Bradley Family and their fight against DIPG click the link below

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